Monday, September 28, 2009

Works ARE in progress (really!)

I was very inspired last night to make a very different little fairy. She's a little less, and has a taste for brains ;) She will be done in time for Halloween.

With the new Drew Barrymore/Ellen Page movie "Whip It" in theaters I thought this would be a good time to finish up the Roller Derby Fairy WIP I have on the workbench.  She should be done by the end of the week.

I am also working on new Steampunk Fairy with a cool base. The base is coming along, the fairy is only an armature right now.  I will post some photos later in the week.

*UPDATE* Here's a sneak peak at Steampunk Fairy. Her Mecha Mushroom base is almost finished and she has a long way to go still!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm back!

After a nice summer break I had a rude awakening when I woke up Monday morning and found my website hacked. Hacked even. *sigh* So, as much as I would have preferred to get back to the Fairy Lab and start sculptin' I am instead lost in the interwebs trying to put together a new site. Quick.

I will probably go live before the site is truly ready, I apologize for any weirdess that may present itself as I get the kinks worked out here. I am trying to look at the positive and use this as a chance to redesign but unfortunately alot of people may have broken links pointing to my old site.